Gastric Band

Gastric banding is a surgical treatment for obesity. These kinds of intervention are known as bariatric surgery. The procedure constricts the stomach, so that a person feels full after eating less food than usual. Gastric banding is not an option for most teens. As with the other kinds of surgery, gastric banding makes the stomach smaller. The surgeon puts an adjustable silicone band around the top part of the stomach to create a small pouch. People who get the band feel fuller sooner and eat less.

Doctors can adjust the band by inflating or deflating the ring through a port placed under the skin. The band can even be completely deflated or removed entirely, letting the stomach return to its normal size.

Gastric band surgery has fewer complications than the bypass and sleeve options. However, people who get the band don't lose as much weight. Gastric band devices are not FDA-approved for people younger than 18.